The Principles and Practices of Authentic Relations Therapy

Some psychotherapists have expressed discontent with operating within a single traditional psychotherapy orientation because of the restrictions it places upon them and their clients. From extensive experience as a mental-health counseling educator and practitioner, Dr. Laura Poole has developed a new form of psychotherapy that focuses on perceiving ones sensory experiencing in the here-and-now. Navigating through the waters of mainstream psychotherapy and her own principles, Dr. Poole effectively teaches how to implement a therapy technique designed to free clients from their psychoaddictions through transpersonal relationships. Dr. Poole courageously diverges from the mainstream to formulate a new psychotherapy. While her philosophy moves us into unfamiliar territory, the strength of her therapeutic model is twofold: it is coherent, maintaining a logically coordinated relationship between its theory and its procedures; and it is ethical, founded on principles of good therapy and fostering relational responsibility. This book is an excellent resource for therapists, researchers, educators, healthcare professionals, students, and anyone interested in enhancing well being. Daniel T. Hall, Ph.D. Director, Eastside Community Counseling Center New York, New York