Bioterrorism: Federal Research & Preparedness Activities

"Although the probability of a domestic bioterrorist attack has been considered to be low, some characteristics of biological agents may make them appealing to terrorist. The information for the production of agents is readily available on the Internet, and the agents are relatively easy to grow and conceal. According to intelligence agencies, the possibility that terrorists may use chemical or biological materials may increase over the next decade." - Results in Brief, BIOTERRORISM: The National Preparedness & Activities Despite federal efforts, significant concerns exist regarding preparedness at the state and local levels. As a result, the Federal Government is involved in a range of research activities related to the public health and medical consequences of a bioterrorist attack on the civilian population. BIOTERRORISM: THE NATIONAL PREPAREDNESS & ACTIVITIES is part of studies being done to enable the rapid identification of biological agents in a variety of settings: to develop new vaccines, antibodies, and to improve treatment for infectious diseases caused by biological agents, including developing and testing emergency response equipment. The GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY OFFICE (GAO) is an agency that works for Congress and the American people. Congress asks GAO to study the programs and expenditures of the Federal Government. The GAO, commonly called the investigative arm of Congress or the "congressional watchdog," is independent and non-partisan. For information on the GAO and its activities, please visit: