Classification and Catalogue of the Library of the Massachusetts State Board of Agriculture
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This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1899. Excerpt: ... Class 1V., Section 1.--Cattle, Breeds, Herd Books. Angus or Polled Aberdeen. 1882. History of polled Aberdeen or Angus cattle. Giving an account of the origin, improvement and characteristics of the breed. James Macdonald and James Sinclair. 459 pp. 1ll. Edinburgh and London. Ayrshire. 1863. Herd record of the Association of breeders of thorough-bred neat stock. Ayrshires. 63 pp. Hartford. Vol. 11. 124 pp. 1ll. Springfield, Mass. 1868. 1 vol. 1875. The North American Ayrshire register; wherein every animal is traced to importation. £. Lewis and Jos. N. Sturtevant. 174 pp. 1ll. South Framingham, Mass. 1876. The Ayrshire record. New series. American and Canadian Ayrshire herd record. Published by the Ayrshire breeders" association. John Davis William French, editor. Vols. 1., 11., 111. (old series, vols. V., V1., V11.) (1876,1878,1881). Boston. 3 vols. Some information concerning the Ayrshire breed of cattle. Edited by J. D. W. French. 56 pp. Boston. 1878. Pamphlet. Proceedings of the Ayrshire breeders" association. Twenty-second annual meeting. C. M. Winslow. 40 pp. Brandon, Vt. 1897. Pamphlet. Devon. 1855. Davy"s Devon herd book; containing the names of the breeders, the ages and pedigrees of the Devon cattle, with the prizes they have gained. Arranged by John Tanner Davy. American edition, edited by Sanford Howard. Vols. 1-II. 196 pp. 1ll. New York. 2 vols. 1863-76. American Devon herd book, published under the direction of the Association of breeders of thorough-bred neat stock. Arranged by Horace Mills Sessions. Hartford, Conn, and Springfield, Mass. 3 vols. 1ll. Flamand. 1857. Description des especes bovine, ovine et porcine de la France. Par MM. les 1nspecteurs-Generaux de l"Agriculture. Tome 1. Espece bovine--race Flamande. Par M. Lefour. 216 p...