The Patrons of husbandry on the Pacific coast; Being a complete history of the origin, condition and progress of agriculture in different parts of the ... a general and special grange directory, and
Price 28.01 - 55.26 USD
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1875 Excerpt: ...the time of its existence shall be fifty years from and after the date of its incorporation. That the number of its Directors or Trustees shall be eleven; and the names and residences of those who shall serve until the election of such officers and their qualification, are: J. M. Hamilton, Lake County, California; J. C. Merryfield, Solano County, California; G. W. Colby, Butte County, California; A. B. Nalley, Sonoma County, California; J. M. Thompson, Napa County, California; A. D. Logan, Colusa County, California; H. if. Leonard, Santa Clara County, California; Wm. McP. Hill, Sonoma County, California; O. Hubbell, Marin County, California; G. P. Kellogg, Monterey County, California; D. Inman, Alameda County, California. Thnt the Capital Stock of this corporation shall bo one million dollars ($1,000,01l0), in gold coin of the United States, divided into forty thousand shares of the par value of twenty-five dollars ($25) each. In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and seals, this 16th day of February, A. D. 1875. G. W. Colry, W. Mcpherson Hill, J. C. MEREYnELD, A. B Nalley, A. D. Logan. At a meeting held on February 18th, 1875, a complete organization was effected, with the following result: BY-LAWS. Article I. The name of this corporation shall be the Grangers" Bcbiness AsSociation Of California. Article II. The said Corporation shall have a capital stock of one million dollars, gold coin of the United States, divided into forty thousand shares of twentyfive dollars each. Article III. The principal place of business of said Corporation shall be at the City and County of ban Francisco, State of California. Article IV. None but Patrons of Husbandry shall be permitted to subscribe to the capital stock of this Corporation. Article V. Stockholders ...