The Farm and the Fireside; Or, the Romance of Agriculture Being Half Hour Sketches of Life in the Country
Price 20.70 - 40.84 USD
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1852. Excerpt: ... and still maintained at a small expense; if her butter and cheese are abundant and of excellent flavor; if she dress herself like a lady in seasons of leisure, without much outlay for clothes, and is always prompt to do what belongs to her to do; and, if they all live and appear like persons possessing abundance, while all earn their living and much besides, be assured such a domestic establishment will become proverbial throughout the town or county. Where in the city, as the female head of a household, are such facilities for acquiring enviable applause? where such facilities for being useful in the world? Does the reputation from a display of silks and laces, and jewelry in the ball room, or at the theatre, or at the party of pleasure, compare with this? No man of sense, and no woman of sense and moral principle, can hesitate in deciding which of the two is most commendable. Here is a field of labor open alike to all, the poor as well as the rich. Here female ambition can reach an elevation seen and admired by a whole community. Here young genius may bud and blossom and bear fruit of an hundred fold. Here the nerve and the muscle, and the business talent of matured manhood, can have full scope for enterprise, and labor, and abounding success, The example above detailed, illustrates every point in our position. Look at the poor orphan girl, Jane Bickford, who, by her talents and moral worth, rises to a position in influence, in comparison of which, fashionable equipage and brainless wealth is contemptible. Look at the plain farmer"s boy, George Boardman, without the aid of factitious influence, having native good sense, industry, economy, and finally, the companionship of an excellent wife, becoming a man of moderate wealth, of unblemished character, an...