Minutes of proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers Volume 73

This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1883 Excerpt: ...an acre properly an amount equivalent to 12 inches in depth. The rainfall at Umritsur, near which place the experiments were made, during the dry months, when the crops were grown, was about 5 inches. They found that for wet crops grown during the rainy season, which consisted chiefly of rice, there was required a depth of water equal to 7 £ feet; and the rainfall in those months was about 15 inches. The late Mr. Login told him that from experiments in the neighbourhood of Roorkee, where the rainfall, although greater during the whole year, namely 43 inches, was about the same as at Umritsur during the dry months, he found that a depth of about 12 inches was required for cereals; and, allowing for the greater heat and dryness of the atmosphere in the Punjab, that seemed to agree tolerably well with the 8 inches mentioned by the Author. At the time the experiments he had referred to were made, the actual consumption of water on the Bari Doab Canal was about 2 feet 4 inches for dry-season crops, as against 12 inches actually necessary, which gave a very large waste. But in the case of wet-weather crops, for which a depth of 7£ feet was required, the consumption was somewhat less, viz., 6 2 feet; but adding 15 inches rainfall during the wet season, that would bring the consumption up to exactly 7£ feet. Against that must be set the fact that about one-fifth of the crops was not lice, and did not require so much water; therefore there was some waste, but to a less amount. The rice in this case was grown during the wet season. The other experiments to which he had alluded were Mr. Elwes. made at a tank near Hyderabad, in the Deccan, with rice that was grown during the winter entirely under irrigation. The rainfall during the season in which the ex...