Thermoplastic Elastomers Market

Materials that combine elastomeric properties with many of the attributes of thermoplastics have been available to industry for over twenty years. A wide acceptance of these materials has taken place due to a growing catalogue of experience backed by convincing case studies in many sectors of industrial activity; new-generation materials have been developed to meet the demands of ever more discriminating customers. This report contains discussion of the different families of thermoplastic elastomer (TPE) materials, and of the trends in material developments. The key end-use sectors are analysed in terms of material usage and future trends. Each sector is examined in some detail starting with reference to activity in Western Europe, the involvement of polymers within the sector, and how important a share of that involvement is held by TPEs. The issues which affect the choice of different materials and how these are likely to impinge on the use of TPEs in future are discussed. Data on TPE supply and consumption by material family and trends for future consumption are given. Growth in TPE usage is due to three main factors: replacement for other materials, new processing technologies and new applications and markets. TPEs have proven themselves in meeting a wide range of demanding engineering requirements and automotive applications. These applications will continue to grow because of the cost savings provided and the performance delivered.