The Upside of Adversity (Chinese Edition)

Os Hillman is a modern-day biblical Joseph who experienced his own decade-long journey from the pit of despair to the pinnacle of success in life and in the workplace. Here, he explains how God uses adversity to show His power and purpose. Os identifies seven reasons people experience adversity, and the three stages of response-including practical ways to cope when circumstances veer out of control. You"ll see why some people become victims while others become victors. Then, you"ll discover hope and inspiration in the stories of others who have survived difficult experiences and rose to positions of influence. Like a well-thrown life preserver, Hillman gives you the wisdom you need to see your negative experiences as God-given positive opportunities. 长年身处逆境,这样的经历会将我们压垮,还是会变成美好祝福? 本书作者曾有七年深陷逆境中。走出绝望的深渊之后,他开办了一个国际性的机构,并先后前往20多个国家为人们讲述绝境重生的奥秘。 本书作者会为你讲述一个惊人的发现:很多人之所以遭遇可怕逆境,是因为他们要负担一个伟大的使命。本书讲述了那些走出逆境后开创伟大事业的人,这些故事会给你带来启迪,使你看到盼望。 本书还会告诉你逆境降临的原因以及一些应对方法,这样你在遭遇逆境时从容应对。