A Pearl Necklace (Chinese Edition)
Price 11.99 - 17.85 USD
A Pearl Necklace is the compelling true story of a Chinese American"s struggles and victories strung together throughout life, weaving sorrows, joys, and lessons learned to create a beautiful masterpiece of inspiration and brilliance. Mi Xue was born in the United States to Chinese immigrant parents. From a young age, she experienced the tensions of cultural identity and marginalization. As an adult, she faced the challenges of having an autistic child, and learning to submit to her husband who decided to leave his well-paying job in pursuit of something more eternally significant. Her family moved from place to place within the United States, and then to Hong Kong, while everyone else seemed to be immigrating to the United States instead. Just as her career in Hong Kong began to succeed, the family suddenly had to return to the United States. In the midst of all this, Mi Xue learned how to treasure what is most important in life. This poignant biography demonstrates how a life of endless dedication and passion can shine like a precious jewel even throughout the darkest times. 这是一个美籍华人与命运抗争,生生不息,执着追过的传记故事。 米雪是出生在美国的第一代华人,从小饱尝"边缘人"的滋味,此后生活颇为周折。她的孩子罹患处闭症,全家无所适从;她的丈夫离开报酬丰厚的工作,家庭失去经济来源;她随丈夫在美国四处迁徙,漂泊不定;在人们纷纷移民美国的时候,他们全家迁往香港;她的事业蓬勃发展之时,却突然重返美国...... 悉心品味这个传记,您可以从平凡中看到不平凡,从许多人的身上看到奇妙的恩典。