Salt and Light: Lives of Faith That Shaped Modern China (Chinese Edition)
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Salt and Light presents the life stories of outstanding Chinese Christians who, as early modernizers, promoted China"s nation building and moral progress in the early twentieth century. Lively anecdotes and photographs highlight the strong character of ten pioneers in the modern professions of education, medicine, journalism, and diplomacy. These professionals were motivated by faith to introduce practical social reforms and build up China"s civil society. They modeled and promoted virtues essential to social progress during the "golden age" of Chinese Protestantism. Their stories touch on themes important in today"s global era: patterns of cooperation between foreign and Chinese partners, the contributions to China of Western-educated professionals, Christianity"s role in furthering East-West understanding and exchanges, and the transnational nature of modern Chinese Christianity: Rong Hong - Visionary for a New China Tang Guo"an - Pioneering China"s Rights Recovery Movement Shi Meiyu - An "Army of Women" in Medicine Fan Zimei - Between Tradition and Modernity Ding Shujing - The YWCA Pathway for China"s "New Women" Mei Yiqi - University President in Wartime Lin Qiaozi - The Steady Pulse of a Quiet Faith Wei Zhuomin - Bridging National Culture and World Values Wu Yifang - Abundant Life in Training Women for Service Yan Yangchu - Reformer with a Heart for the Village The editors and authors articulate the importance of recovering China"s Christian heritage as part of world Christianity. 名家推荐:这本书说的是历史,却具有迫切的现实意义;讲的是以往的志士仁人,却有益于今日的平民百姓。所以我很希望,有幸能够识字读书的年轻"读者",不但要读读这本书,更要深长思之,并且起而行之!(何光沪) 留学潮起源于19世纪60年代容闳的倡议! 迫使美国退回部分庚子赔款要归功于中国的宣教士! 早在1928年晏阳初就立志乡村改造计划! ...... 本书记载了1850至1950年间中国十位杰出的基督徒,他们有的是教育、医疗、媒体、外交领域中的先驱,有的是妇女运动、民事机构和社会工作的领导者。他们皆因其事业上的卓越成就而在中国的历史中留名,却很少有人知道他们的家庭背景、个人痛苦经历和坚定的信仰经历。他们带着一颗服事的心,以卓越的职业技能,顺服上帝的呼召,为中国社会做出了杰出的贡献。他们活出了耶稣基督在"登山宝训"中的标准:成为"光"与"盐"。作为"光",他们为那些在黑暗中的人们带来了真理和希望;作为"盐",他们在经济混乱和政治腐败的社会中,承受着巨大的压力,却保持了高尚的道德标准。 尤为值得一提的是,书中向我们展现的,那些早期社会改革家们提出的"光与盐"计划--属灵的复兴、道德的改革、民事机构的发展和慈善事业,对于今天的中国和世界来说,仍然有重要的意义。