The Family Financial Workbook (Chinese Edition)

Finances are the leading cause of marital breakdown and strife. Countless families give the false impression of being wealthy while drowning in a sea of debt. The Family Financial Workbook is the best tool a family can have to manage their finances with God"s direction. With a comprehensive collection of easy-to-follow worksheets, practicality is the key feature of this great resource. 《家庭理财手册》总结"冠冕理财事工机构"多年理财顾问经验,以简单、速成、易行的方式帮助人们走出财务危机、构筑有保障的未来。本手册将改变你的理财观念,手把手教你做预算、记账、控制消费、积极储蓄。清晰的讲述配以实例说明,另附有全套理财实用表格,帮助你成为超级好管家。不需要你有多么强大的数学头脑,花几个小时学习本书的方法,任何人都能循序渐进地掌握理财的奥秘。 书中精选多人真实见证,让普通人来告诉你:零透支、无债务、年年有余的生活,你也可以拥有!