The Secret at the Winthrop House, Independence Day: Book 2
Price 11.20 - 12.51 USD
Standing aboard the pirate ship holding his sons close, Josh watches the merchant vessel they were sailing on sink to the bottom of the sea. The mirror they entered the past in lying on the ocean floor, now with no way to return to their present day family the father gazes into the eyes of his captor. In her sequel The Secret at the Winthrop House, Independence Day, Joanne D. Saunders takes the time travelers on new and exciting adventures that reveal more secrets of the mirrors magic and uncovers other hidden treasures from the great Captain Jack Winthrop"s journeys. The Secret at the Winthrop House, Independence Day is filled with pirates and espionage as a young America fights for its independence and as the O"Donnell"s help forge the future of the nation by assisting Benjamin Franklin form an alliance with France. The author continues to depict a family united together with their spirited ancestral apparitions as they challenge each other to go beyond their limitations. The adventures and mysteries resound in The Secret at the Winthrop House, Independence Day.