OCCAM"s Razor

PRESERVE YOUR CAREER OR DO WHAT"S BEST FOR THE PATIENT-THAT"S THE DILEMMA FACING DR. DECLAN MURPHY. Occam"s Razor is a medical thriller set against the backdrop of Operation Jackpot, the first major federal sting in the War on Drugs. Declan Murphy, a popular Ob-Gyn physician, is called to the Emergency Department to see Helene Eastland, the sexually abused daughter of the powerful state governor. Helene has also become involved with the Jackpot drug smugglers. Declan decides the only right option is to help Helene flee her father"s grasp and the Operation Jackpot subpoena. While on the run, Declan and Helene fall into a forbidden doctor-patient relationship that jeopardizes Helene"s freedom and Declan"s career. "Exciting and informative..." -Jason Ryan, author of Jack-Pot : High Times, High Seas, and the Sting That Launched the War on Drugs. "...a wild and gratifying ride, y"all, well worth your money and time."-Roger Pinckney, author of Reefer Moon, Little Gloryand Blow the Man Down. "First rate...strings the reader along shamelessly, virtually forcing...an all-nighter!"-Dr. Jeff Thurston, author of Death of Compassion, &1000 Questions About Your Pregnancy. "...a gripping thriller, a passionate love story and a hero"s journey that will keep the pages turning and have you cheering by the end..."-Taylor Polites, author of The Rebel Wife.