More letters of Charles Darwin; a record of his work in a series of hitherto unpublished letters Volume 2

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This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1903 edition. Excerpt: ...all my work is smashed. I was a fool ever to touch orchids. Letter 606 T0 J-D-Hooker. Down, Nov. 17th 1861. What two very interesting and useful letters you have sent me. You rather astound me with respect to value of grounds of generalisation in the morphology of plants. It reminds me that years ago I sent you a grass to name, and your answer was, " It is certainly Festuca (so-and-so), but it agrees as badly with the description as most plants do." I have often laughed over this answer of a great botanist.... Lindley, from whom I asked for an orchid with a simple labellum, has most kindly sent me a lot of what he marks "rare" and " rarissima " of peloric orchids, etc., but as they are dried I know not whether they will be of use. He has been most kind, and has suggested my writing to Lady D. Nevill, who has responded in a wonderfully kind manner, and has sent a lot of treasures. But I must stop; otherwise, by Jove, I shall be transformed into a botanist. I wish I had been one; this morphology is surprisingly interesting. i See Fertilisation of Orchitis, Ed. 1., p. 304 (note), where the resemblances between the anomalous vessels of Bonatea and Habenaria are described. On Nov. 14th, 1S61, he wrote to Sir Joseph: "You are a true friend in need. I can hardly bear to let the Bonatea soak long enough." Looking to your note, I may add that certainly the fifteen Letter 606 alternating bundles of spiral vessels (mingled with odd beadlike vessels in some cases) are present in many orchids. The inner whorl of anther ducts arc oftenest aborted. I must keep clear of Apostasia though I have cast many a longing look at it in Bauer. I hope I may be well enough to read my own paper2 on Thursday, but I have been very seedy lately. I see there is a paper at the...