Memoirs of John Evelyn, Esq., F.R.S.; Comprising His Diary, from 1641 to 1705-6, and a Selection of His Familiar Letters
Price 47.42 - 83.85 USD
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated.1871 Excerpt: ... 753. ON TYRANNY OR FASHION. that displeases him, he wisries him as unstable as a Christians Hat; and in effect "tis obseiVd that no man can so plant it on another man"s head but the owner do"s immediately alter it, nor is it ever certain. All that can be reply"d in its behalf is, that it shades the face: but so would a Tuft of Feathers in the Montero, which is light and serviceable when the sun is hot, and at other times ornamental. I would neither have my Band so voluminous as a Frokitis Nigktraile, nor yet so strait and scanty as a Negro"s collar; in short, I wish any thing might supply it that were not made of Hemp: and for that piece of wainscot which supports it about our necks, if it be too high, the man looks as if he were impaled and had swallow"d a stake; if too low, as if the Doublet were borrowed; at least I wish that part were defended with something less rigid than past-board; and if the Cravet did still succeed it, there would be no misse of the other. To cover all with two words: I like the stately and easy Vest within doors, and the Cloak without. In summe, I affect whatever is comely, and of use, and to that I would be constant, choosing nothing that should be capricious, nothing that were singular, and therefore have made this collection out of all; for seeing we are oblig"d to none, we injure none, and since there is so much variety, our choice is the freer. Mode is a Tyrant, and we may cast off his government without impeachment to our Loyalty. But if we will rather expect (and which I most approve of) the injunction of our Superiors for this regulation also, we shall do wisely, and best avoid the censure. Those who follow"d the great Alexander held indeed their necks awry, because he most inclin"d it to one side; and when his father Phi...