Careers in Advertising (Princeton Review Series)

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780375750915

Consumers are bombarded with thousands of advertisements every day, but that"s nothing compared to the number of resumes employers see at an ad agency. Everyone knows that landing a job in advertising is no easy sell. How do you put together a good enough book to get a copywriting job or break into the business as an account planner? In Careers in Advertising, experts from each department explain their work and share ideas and advice on how to get a job. Readers will get a first-hand look at how things work in high-powered departments such as: Account Management at TBWA/Chiat Day The Creative Department at Grey Advertising The Media Department at FCB/Leber Katz Partners The Research Department at Leo Burnett New Business at Ogilvy and Mather Worldwide The Traffic Department at Adler Boschetto Peebles & Partners Interactive Advertising at Thunder House Online Marketing A comprehensive directory of more than 200 ad agencies and industry associations across the U.S. provides all the information a job-seeker needs, including personnel contacts at each firm. Ad executives from an array of specialty areas have contributed to this book, including Shelly Lazarus, CEO of Ogilvy & Mather Worldwide, and Regina Leonard, Associate Manager of Human Resources at BBDO Worldwide.