Muqarnas - An Annual on the Visual Culture of the Islamic World: An Annual on Islamic Art and Architecture

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9789004090507

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Oleg Grabar, An Exhibition of High Ottoman Art Nasser Rabbat, The Meaning of the Umayyad Dome of the Rock ; Jamel Akbar, Khatta and the Territorial structure of Early Muslim Towns ; Saleh Lamei Mostafa, The Cairene Sabil: Its Form and Meaning ; Sergei Chmelnizkij, Methods of Constructing Geometric Ornamental Systems in the Cupola of the Alhambra I.I. Notkin, Genotypes of Spatial Form in the Architecture of the East ; Perween Hasan, Sultanate Mosques and Continuity in Bengal Architecture ; Eva Baer, Jeweled Ceramics from Medieval Islam: A Note on the Ambiguity of Islamic Ornament Peter Chelkowski, Qajar Coffeehouse Paintings: An Amalgam of Court and Popular Art Donna Stein, Three Photographic Traditions in Nineteenth- Century Iran ; B.W. Robinson, Qajar Lacquer Layla S. Diba, Persian Painting in the Eighteenth Century ; Nancy Micklewright, Late-Nineteenth Century Ottoman Wedding Costumes as Indicators of Social Change