Hanging on or How to Get Through a Depression and Enjoy Life (Great Lake Books Series)

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780814319321

Edmund G. Love captures the unusual experiences, adventures, and struggles that characterized his life during an unparalleled period of American history. If the thirties were the heyday of the fraternity party, the strapless evening gown, and the bootlegger, they were also, for Love, ten years when the extravagance of getting an education alternated with the grim realties of keeping body and soul together. This often meant shoveling coal at his father"s lumberyard or finding a job in an automobile factory to earn a dollar for the next meal-or a hundred dollars for the next semester"s tuition. Whether in Ann Arbor, at the University of Michigan, or back home in Flint, Ed Love records his varied and charmed life with the piquancy and humor which are his trademarks.