The Power in Cakewalk SONAR (Quick Pro Guides) (Quick Pro Guides (Hal Leonard))
Price 12.15 - 16.99 USD
If you are new to SONAR or just new to the X-series, this is the first book to read. The Power in Cakewalk SONAR will get you up to speed quickly with all the core workflows in this powerful music production system. The book is liberally illustrated with screenshots and diagrams to make learning easier. This book not only covers the essentials for recording and editing, but also grounds it in the history of Cakewalk including demystifying the bundled plug-ins and virtual instruments. The included DVD takes it further with video examples. Here is what to expect in each chapter:The History of Cakewalk SONARComputers, Windows, and SONARAudio Device SetupMIDI Device SetupNavigating SkylightThe Control BarTracks and ClipsThe InspectorThe BrowserRecording AudioEditing AudioRecording with Soft SynthsEditing MIDIMore About Soft SynthsConsole View Tips and TricksUsing the ProChannelProChannel ModulesUsing Plug-in EffectsThe Included Plug-in EffectsMixing Down and ExportingActive Controller TechnologyThe author maintains a strong focus on using the advanced Smart Tool for editing. This should be very helpful for long-time SONAR users who want to get up to speed fast. New users will enjoy cutting to the chase to focus on music creation as fast as possible.The included DVD adds the following video tutorials:The Skylight InterfaceAudio Device SetupMIDI Keyboard Controller SetupWorking with Tracks and ClipsThe Control BarSmart Tool EditingIntro to AudioSnapIntro to Matrix ViewAutomation FundamentalsMix Example 1Mix Example 2Setting up a PreSonus FaderPort to work with SONARNOTE: Due to changes in workflow from SONAR X1 and earlier, you will get the most out of this book if you have SONAR X2 or later.