The Best-Kept Secret to Improved Bank Profits: The Ultimate Banker\"s Guide to Making More Money, Doing Fewer Deals and Taking Less Risk That 99% of Ba

Price 19.86 - 24.95 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781937545031

The surprising truths about a little-known guaranteed lending program that can strengthen your community AND your bank"s bottom line. "Capital costs are up, regulations continue to be more burdensome, loan growth is flat and fees are down." This book is not a solution for every bank, but it is a way for some banks to do a few larger deals per year, have less risk and substantially increase non-interest income or loan yield without a major increase to overhead. This book will help completely change the overall perception of guaranteed lending. Optimize existing bank resources, introduce increased lending opportunities, provide a unique marketing strategy to give the bank a competitive edge.