I Ching, The Oracle of the Cosmic Way

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EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781890764043

Brand ichingbooks

This I Ching was written under the guidance of the Sage that speaks through the I Ching oracle. It shows the Cosmos as a system of harmony, the principles of which are clearly described in its 64 hexagrams.// The purpose of consulting the oracle is to inquire, before an undertaking, whether you are in harmony with the Cosmic Way. When this is confirmed by the words "success," or "good fortune," whatever you do will be supported by the invisible helping forces of the Cosmos. When your attitude is discordant, the oracle predicts "misfortune," meaning that these helping forces will not support what you do. The answers of the oracle are not to be taken as fortune-telling, but as reflecting the cosmic consequences of your attitude toward your goal. All counsel given by the I Ching is directed toward helping you return to harmony with the Cosmos. To do this you are being given a deeper understanding of the principles of Cosmic Harmony that are involved in the issue at hand. In the light of these principles you will be able to recognize particular mistaken ideas that are the cause of your discord, or misfortune. This book is the first I Ching oracle that shows you how to deprogram the obstructing ideas, and thus reunite with the Cosmic Harmony. / Also presented in this book is an innovative method of communicating directly with the Sage that speaks through the I Ching. This method allows you to clarify its message until it assures you that you have reached an adequate understanding. Regularly consulting the I Ching in this way leads to clarifying insights into your life"s purpose, and to a pronounced increase in your own creativity. It was through this method, in combination with meditations and dreams, that the Sage gave the authors the completely new perspective on the nature of the Cosmos, human nature, and the place of humans within the Cosmic Whole described here. Rather than presenting you with fixed answers to every problem, this book allows the Cosmic Teacher called "the Sage," to show you your own path to insight and inner guidance.