Dante\"s Cure: A Journey Out of Madness

Price 25.00 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781590511015

Brand Other Press

Catherine, nineteen years old and suffering from severe schizophrenia, sat in a mental hospital—mute, catatonic, and hearing voices. Her psychiatrist, Dr. Daniel Dorman, was convinced that his patient"s psychotic behavior was not merely rooted in chemical imbalances but rather in the dramatic circumstances of her family history. He was therefore determined to avoid the mind-numbing medications that had been so detrimental to Catherine"s well being. Dorman fought adamant opposition and criticism from his peers and superiors for a chance to guide Catherine out of madness. Dante"s Cure is the riveting true story of a woman"s triumph over her schizophrenia without medication, written by the psychiatrist who helped her.