
Price 12.16 - 14.00 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780140447491

An “Upanisad” is a teaching session with a guru, and the thirteen texts of the “Principal Upanisads”—which comprise this volume—form a series of philosophical discourses between teacher and student that question the inner meaning of the world. Composed beginning around the eighth century BCE, the Upanisads have been central to the development of Hinduism, exploring its central doctrines: rebirth, karma, overcoming death, and achieving detachment, equilibrium, and spiritual bliss. Speaking to the reader in direct, unadorned prose or lucid verse, the Upanisads collected here embody humanity’s perennial search for truth and knowledge. Valerie Roebuck’s powerful new translation blends accuracy with readability and retains the oral style of these stirring and profound philosophical explorations. Key text for students of Hinduism, Eastern Religion, and religious thought Includes introduction, information on Sanskrit pronunciation, suggestions for further reading, explanatory notes, and glossary