Social Security Disability Practice
Price 159.00 USD
This popular work walks you step-by-step from interview through Social Security disability hearing and appeal. Loaded with valuable tips and model questions.What to Do and How to Do ItDetailed guidance is important when navigating the hidden rules, obscure interpretations, and frequent delays common to Social Security disability cases.Turn to Tom Bush"s Social Security Disability Practice when challenges or questions arise. This 1000-page masterwork covers the waterfront of social security disability practice: Selecting good cases. Sections 160-62 Determining the basis for denial, and common erroneous reasons for denial. Sections 173, 207 Comparison of Social Security disability and SSI. Section 135 Obtaining and dealing with medical and vocational opinion evidence. Section 220 Impairment-specific RFC questionnaires. Section 230 Issues commonly arising in hearings. Section 287 Preparing claimants and witnesses to testify, including questionnaires and letters. Section 290 Specific and detailed hearing questions for claimants, witnesses, and experts. Chapter 3 Proving inability to do unskilled sedentary work, including cross-examination questions. Section 346.6 Using the Medical-Vocational Guidelines as framework for decision-making, with charts, questions for the vocational expert, and court decisions. Section 348 Res judicata and reopening applications. Section 370 Index of key rulings. Appendix 1 Calculating back benefits, with worksheet. Section 430 Payment issues and solutions, with directory of contact information. Section 440 Developing a legal theory for appeal, with checklist and sample briefs. Chapter 5 Attorney fee issues and solutions. Chapter 7 And much, much more.