Introduction to European Tax Law: Direct Taxation (Third Edition)
Price 47.45 - 49.95 USD
This handbook is a concise guide for those who are interested in obtaining a basic knowledge of European tax law. Designed for students, it should be useful as well for experienced international tax specialists with little knowledge of European law, for European law specialists who are reluctant to approach the technicalities of direct taxation, and for non-Europeans who deal with Europe for business or academic reasons and need to understand the foundations of European tax law. The book will also be useful to academics without a legal background, in order to approach the technical issues raised by European Union tax law. This third edition has been updated and upgraded. For the purpose of enhancing the handbook"s content and its flexible use, the book contains (flow) charts, a table of all the ECJ judgments quoted, indicating the marginal number and chapter in which they have been analyzed, and an analytical index. Considering the complexity of European direct tax law and the relevant ECJ case law, such features will also make this handbook an indispensable tool for the most experienced European direct tax law experts.