The Willamette River Field Guide

Price 22.46 - 24.95 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780881928662

Brand Timber Press

The Willamette River flows for nearly 200 miles, through deep forests, green valleys, and past cities — Eugene, Springfield, Corvallis, Albany, Salem, Keizer, Newberg, Oregon City, and Portland. Yet it is a river hiding in plain sight: until now, there has been no comprehensive guide to the Willamette. Following the river downstream from its tributaries through its vast valleys and to the tidal flats beyond Portland, The Willamette River Field Guide is the story of Oregon"s earliest inhabitants, the connection between the river and the towns along its banks, the wildlife it supports, and the effects of alterations to its geography and ecology. Includes tips for more than a dozen riverside visits and trips. Twelve maps cover each segment of the river. Beautiful new color photographs and rare historical photos help tell the story. Travis Williams knows the river intimately and cares about it passionately. Whether you take in the views from land or water, or just dip into this fascinating guide from home, after reading this book you will know the Willamette River as you never have before.