NAFTA and Free Trade in the Americas: A Problem-Oriented Coursebook (American Casebook Series)

Price 194.75 - 205.00 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780314153975

This extensively revised coursebook is designed to introduce law students (and many practitioners) to a broad range of real and hypothetical problems involving NAFTA, several newer free trade agreements, and the Southern Cone Common Market. After discussing GATT Article XXIV and the global v. regional trade agreement debate, the authors provide background material on the U.S. - Canada Free Trade Agreement, NAFTA and economic integration in the Western Hemisphere. Separate chapters provide in-depth coverage of trade in goods, trade in services, investment, intellectual property, dispute resolution and the "side" agreements on labor and on environment. Finally, the authors look beyond NAFTA to the process that ultimately led to "Trade Promotion Authority" and to the U.S. - Chile Free Trade Agreement, discuss the now-stalled FTAA negotiations; and introduce MERCOSUR.