If Grace Is True: Why God Will Save Every Person

Price 22.95 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780062517043

Brand HarperOne

What happens after we die? Philip Gulley and James Mulholland grew up believing that only a chosen few would be saved and go to heaven, while most people would be damned. Even while studying to become pastors, they maintained this traditional view of human destiny. But as they experienced the pain and joy of their parishioners, each of these pastors began to hear a small but insistent voice speaking to them of God"s boundless love and extravagant grace, calling them to a new understanding of divine will and human destiny. As each sought to be faithful to their experience of a loving God whose grace is unlimited and unconditional, both men arrived separately at the same truth: God will save every person. In If Grace Is True, Gulley and Mulholland describe their journey to this controversial view and proclaim their belief in a God of love, rejecting the prevailing view of a God who saves some and rejects others. This provocative theological stand has not been easy for them to maintain, just as those who have advocated universal salvation have struggled since the days of the early church. Proclaiming this message of love has put both men"s pastoral calls in jeopardy and caused them to face censure from friends and colleagues -- even within their own Quaker community, with its history of honoring individual revelations. Nevertheless, they persist in their courageous proclamation of grace, hoping their message will be heard by the millions of Christians who are trying to reconcile their love for Christ with their love for non-Christians. For seekers, for thoughtful Christians, and for those who have suffered the loss of a loved one, Gulley and Mulholland offer a beautiful message of hope. "Now I have a new formula. It too is simple and clear. It is the most compelling truth I"ve ever known. It is changing my life. It is changing how I talk about God. It is changing how I think about myself. It is changing how I treat other people. It brings me untold joy, peace, and hope. This truth is the best news I"ve ever heard, ever believed, and ever shared. I believe God will save every person."