Online Journalism: Principles and Practices of News for the Web

Price 46.55 - 49.00 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781934432174

The third edition of Online Journalism prepares readers to be multi-skilled, multimedia journalists who can create stories for online news, post their stories online and make sure those stories get into the hands of users. It recognizes that readers may create online content for a variety of news organizations from the online portion of legacy news organizations, to online-only startups, to blogs and news apps and more. It reviews the basic principles of journalism such as objectivity, fairness and accuracy while showing readers how to put those principles into practice online. Key features include a companion website, practical activities at the end of each chapter, screenshots illustrating key concepts and a Glossary. New to the Third Edition Comprehensive updates reflect the Internet"s unparalleled capabilities and increased prominence as a source for news. Online journalism is now fundamental to how news organizations disseminate information. A new chapter explores how readers and journalists interact with and influence one another, leading to greater audience involvement. The chapter discusses participatory journalism, social media, crowdsourcing, mobile media and more. Increased emphasis on convergence and mobility recognizes the wide variety of platforms through which journalists report and readers access the news. The multimedia chapter has been expanded and updated to show aspiring online journalists how they can use multiple media elements and advanced interactivity to tell stories in new and intriguing ways, overcoming limitations of traditional print and broadcast media. Chapters include updated web links, examples and activities. Other Key Features A companion website designed to enhance the learning experience, with regular updates as well as useful links to additional original content and reference sources, examples, online tutorials and more. Actual online journalism practices such as designing Web pages, writing and editing stories online and using links as well as hands-on guidance in text formatting with CSS. Coverage of user-generated content, including citizen journalism and blogging. Consideration of aesthetics in writing, editing and design. Exploration of opportunities and challenges, including legal and ethical issues.