Plump Pups and Fat Cats: A Seven-Point Weight Loss Program for Your Overweight Pet

Price 14.95 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780312244361

Get the pounds off your puppy, and the fat off your cat! Over 25% of America"s dogs and cats are significantly overweight--a condition which can lead to a host of health problems including diabetes, hip and back trouble, respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, and cancer. But if your favorite furry friend is portly, what can you do about it? In Plump Pups and Fat Cats, animal behaviorist Steve Duno shows you--with his revolutionary 7-point plan for pet health and weight loss. This book shows you everything you need to know to help your pet slim down: --How to safely adjust your dog or cat"s diet --Fun, natural exercise programs tailored for each breed --Environmental enrichment programs to relieve boredom and increase your pet"s physical and mental activity level --How to tailor your pet"s lifestyle to his or her unique metabolism --Tasty, healthy treats and snacks to make at home --And much more If your canine or feline friend tends to tip the scales, take care of him like he deserves--by buying a copy of this book. You could save your best friend"s life.