Cooking Around the Calendar with Kids: Holiday and Seasonal Food and Fun

Price 24.95 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780930643140

Recipes and food ideas give a variety of food experiences appropriate for various age groups. Whether you are a parent, grandparent, care-giver, teacher, or young cook, this book is meant to inspire you to enjoy cooking together. Cooking with children is a hands-on activity that helps to teach, to create, and to help in their appreciation of the gift of food. What better time is there to set the stage for working with, and enjoying, food than during the early years? Each season features food appropriate for that time of year. It begins with back to school ideas for breakfasts, lunches, and snacks using food from the garden"s bounty, whether one"s own, farmer"s market, or store bought bounty, with ample Halloween pumpkin and apple recipes. Thanksgiving and holiday food ideas are plentiful. Multicultural celebration holiday recipes and activities are included, as well as food suggestions for New Year"s open house. Food ideas for Valentine"s Day, Presidents" Day, St. Patrick"s Day, April Fools" Day, Easter, and Mothers" and Fathers" Day and 4th of July are some of the spring and summer holidays that are featured. Tucked away between its recipes are bits of history and culture, plus many suggestions for seasonal activities. Some of these include making placemats out of fall leaves, discussing holiday customs from different countries, planting a vegetable in a garden or clay pot, and arranging summer flowers for a centerpiece. There are many fun ideas for serving, decorating, and celebrating. This book emphasizes many valuable life skills such as: following directions; practicing safety and proper food handling methods; establishing meaningful traditions that enrich family life; fostering cooperation and a willingness to share; practicing good table manners; preparing and tasting food from other cultures; and helping children enjoy preparing food while learning about the background of the food and the part food plays in various traditions and holidays.