Advanced Polymers, Composites and Technologies (Macromolecular Symposia)

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9783527317455

Brand Wiley-Vch

Advancement in modern polymer technologies such as photo-electronics, pharmaceutical and biomedical fields, biodegradable systems and specific composites are increasingly interrelated. Urgent demands are apparent for new, eco-efficient, advanced polymer systems, the development of which requires interdisciplinary knowledge. The common thinking of scientists specialized in certain segments of polymer science and technology was strongly initiated by the 8th International Symposium on Polymers for Advanced Technologies (PAT 2005) held in Budapest, September 2005.This issue of Macromolecular Symposia is focusing mainly on the papers presented in the field of synthesis, characterization and technology of modified polymer systems . It represents a valuable choice of very recent results in a multidisciplinary area.