The Creature, A Bedtime Story

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780979625138

"The Creature, A Bedtime Story" does just that. It tells of Man"s Demise through watercolor illustrations, allowing the reader to become part of the journey. Cliff Ballreich is a storyteller: he has the ability to take from life what others can not see. He then applies a story to it and uses the conclusion to make his point. In 1975 Cliff returned from the Navy and entered civilian life again. Much had changed. The days of Mom"s apple pie, the folks back home, and Betty-Lou waiting for her sweetheart to return from war, were gone. It was now a new era, a new age. The cry would be; "I am Woman hear me roar, I am too big to ignore!" Cliff struggled to find his place. He had enjoyed being a romantic, but it became his weakness: he had to learn to become someone else... Now he is once again a romantic - creating stories, telling tales.