The Hydrodynamics of Cavitating Flows
This monograph is intended to introduce the reader to the physics and mathematics of cavitation and provide an in-depth review of the broad range of important effects that occur in gas-fluid multiphase areas under various circumstances. Most importantly, the text provides an expansive overview of the many modeling approaches that have proven successful in investigating cavitating flows, with sufficient detail that the advanced reader can implement and apply the techniques to help answer the new cavitation-related questions that arise as the science and technology of fluid mechanics advances. Though the emphasis of the book is put on physical modeling and computational fluid dynamics, the numerous modeling and computational plots are richly complimented by experimental photographs courtesy of several leading laboratories and individual experts. Authored by three principal co-authors with tangible contributions from many leading experts, the monograph brings together the perspectives of Russian and American hydrodynamicists, and thus provides a unique and useful treatment of independently developed physics models. The monograph is addressed to professionals specializing in hydrodynamics who are involved both in theoretical and experimental research and practical applications of their studies for improving the performance of marine vehicles. It is a comprehensive reference source on cavitating flows which can be very helpful for university professors and post-graduates, and a unique reference source for research institutions, technical libraries, universities, design offices and consulting experts.