The Last Sandcastle

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780862780517

"Mr. Leland writes like an angel, though an eccentric one." THE GUARDIAN "... the descriptions of actual features and behaviour are, like the scenery, mapped out with extremely impressive art and an unusually fine gift of writing." Who is the mysterious horseman? The secret dancer in the forest? What caused the total disappearance of the publican, his wife and his lover in "You Never Learn"? How did the housewife persuade the milkman and three policemen to pose nude in a suburban sitting- room? The Last Sand Castle a collection of stories by a writer whose novels were acclaimed - "a rich reading experience", "a remarkable performance", "hilarious, suspenseful and penetrating". Many of them hinge on one dramatic moment or incident in the lives of ordinary people. The sum of these stories is pure delight in turn moving and amusing, and always intriguing.