Infecciosa (Literatura Mondadori) (Spanish Edition)

Price 18.72 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9786074299175

There are riddles in "Infectious" that wait for those who can summon them. Before undertaking a long trip, a man spends the last hours in his city and lives a crucial experience. From then on, his trip will become a series of unusual acts embodied by other people. The novel challenges conventionalism and assumes the nomadic prodigies as its privileged platform: anonymous people that are interconnected through subtle resonances in diverse planes and cities of the world: Mexico, Genoa, Torino, Frankfurt, Oviedo. One leads to another and vice versa by means of an expansible vortex that unites the visible with the invisible, the internal with the external, the fixed with the mutant, order and chaos, art and madness, and it points towards the unfolding of reality, the trip, the dream, the fantasy, the spectrum, the threshold. And the infection. In this perpetual movement of language there"s always another point of view that contemplates and sanctions, from its radical difference, in a "there" that is also here: inside of what has happened. En Infecciosa hay acertijos que aguardan a quien sea capaz de convocarlos. Antes de emprender un largo viaje, un hombre pasa las últimas horas en su ciudad y vive una experiencia decisiva. A partir de ésta, su viaje se convertirá en una serie de actos insólitos que otros encarnan. La novela desafía lo convencional y asume los prodigios nómadas como su plataforma privilegiada: personas anónimas que se interconectan entre sí mediante resonancias sutiles en diversos planos y ciudades del mundo: México, Génova, Torino, Frankfurt, Oviedo. Uno conduce al otro y viceversa mediante un torbellino expansivo que une lo visible y lo invisible, lo interior y lo exterior, lo fijo y lo mutante, el orden y el caos, el arte y la locura, y apunta al desdoblamiento de la realidad, el viaje, el sueño, la fantasía, el espectro, el umbral. Y el contagio.