French Kisses

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780752881317

In FRENCH KISSES the Easts continue their adventures in a land where time is cheap, good friends priceless, and reluctant tractors are brought to life on a frosty morning with a shot of moonshine brandy. During an eventful year at the Mill of the Flea, we encounter a host of new improbable characters including the moustache-growing champion of Northern France and the vegetarian couple who discover they have set up residence next to a veal farm. But the clock is ticking as the couple struggle to make ends meet at the Mill of the Flea and placate their ever despairing bank manager. A series of survival schemes are increasingly ill-fated, and a plan to set up a programme of exchange visits threatens to flood Britain with illegal immigrants. Soon it appears that the Mill of the Flea will be lost and George and Donella find themselves forced into leaving their small corner of Paradise. Will this spell the end of the couple"s adventures in France, or will the Easts once again survive the casual backhands of cruel fate? If you"re a fan of France, life and laughter, you cannot fail to be enchanted by FRENCH KISSES ...