Real World XML Web Services: For VB and VB .NET Developers (Developmentor Series)

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 785342774252, 9780201774252

Manufacture Peachpit Press Inc.

Web services are the next revolution in the way applications are built and used. This book will give developers the information they need to design and build next generation distributed interoperable applications with Web services. It has a unique blend of theory and practice, and is focused on Visual Basic developers. The first four chapters explain the architectural foundation on which Web services are built. The remaining eight chapters explain the tools you use to build Web services. The book covers SOAP, WSDL (the Web services Description Language), and UDDI, among other topics, and contains many practical examples, ranging from a few lines of code to long projects. Unlike competing books, the author covers the use of both Visual Basic 6 as well as Visual Basic .NET. The quality and the quantity of the real-world examples also set this book apart.