Omaha Indian Music - Fancy Dance Songs CD
Price 38.12 USD
Gone are the heydays of the Omaha Indians’ Warrior Society. The totem pole stands no more. The medicine man is but a figurehead now. Omaha Indians have, for lack of other options, adapted to the ‘outside’ world. Very little remains in evidence of their original culture. A few fragments, however, survive - the ‘hand game’, their traditional generosity and openheartedness... however, what most evinces the historical richness of their culture is their music. Those who attended the 1983 Omaha Indians Pow-wow at Macy, Nebraska were unfailingly impressed with the pomp and pageantry of the occasion. Some of it could have come straight out of a cheap spaghetti Western; but the fact is that the songs - and the costumes worn to most of them - were representative of their cultural heritage. Much of their music has suffered from the influences of tape recorded rock ‘n roll, but the kind played at their Pow-wows remains unadulterated in its tradition. The fancy dances enacted during these gatherings are symbolic of their past exploits, and are therefore especially meaningful to the Omaha Indians. This CD is a compilation of the most outstanding songs that accompanied such dances at the 1983 Nebraskan Pow-wow.