¿La Biblia y la ciencia están en conflicto? (Preguntas Desafiantes) (Spanish Edition)
This revised edition of Tough Questions, designed for use in any small group setting, is ideal for use in seeker small groups. Based on more than five years of field-tested feedback, extensive improvements make this best-selling series easier to use and more appealing than ever for both participants and group leaders. The Tough Questions Series How can an all-powerful God allow suffering? Is Jesus really the only way to God? Why should I trust the Bible? Tough questions. Reasonable questions. The kinds of challenging questions you, or someone you know may be asking, that are worth taking time to explore. In six sessions designed to get small groups thinking and interacting, each guide in the Tough Questions series deals frankly with objections commonly raised about Christianity. You"ll engage in the kind of spirited dialog that shows the Christian faith can stand up to scrutiny. DO SCIENCE AND THE BIBLE CONFLICT? Isn"t Christianity Based on Blind Faith? Why Are So Few Scientists Christians? Doesn"t the Big Bang Disprove a Creator? Doesn"t Evolution Contradict Genesis? If the Bible Is True, Why Isn"t It More Scientific? Won"t Scientific Progress Make God Unnecessary?