My Wake-up Call - A Survivor of Guillain-Barre Syndrome

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781936198702

In November of 1998, Jerry found his blood pressure was abnormally high. One day later, with Dora Lou - his wife of almost 40 years - at his side, Jerry was diagnosed with the debilitating neurological illness, Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS). Within two weeks, Jerry was paralyzed, spending the next 276 days on a respirator. Several times the family was called together because Jerry was not expected to live through the night. The doctors explained that if Jerry did live, he would be a respirator-dependent quadriplegic the rest of his life. Trapped in his body, Jerry"s mind continued to work, searching for answers. In a prayerful moment, Jerry felt a calm he had never felt before. He knew that, no matter what GBS sent to him, he would be able to bear it. With that in mind, when the doctors offered to ease his suffering by turning off the respirator, Jerry refused. This is Jerry"s story of spending over 15 months in the hospital and making, over the following ten years, a "miraculous" recovery.