Compelling Selling: A Framework for Persuasion

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780333444139

Brand Papermac

Selling, or the art of persuasion, is not taught in school or university, yet it is an integral part of our daily lives. Whether we are selling ourselves, a product or a service we are knowingly or unknowingly exercising the techniques of persuasion and salesmanship. Successful selling depends on the correct manipulation of these techniques as well as a thorough understanding of the framework within which they operate. With persuasion understood within a basic framework, the "persuader" always knows the next step to take at any one time in his negotiation, how to take it, how to test when he has achieved it and what he must then do in order to conclude a successful "sale". These steps are logical, interrelated and rational. Taken as a whole persuasion becomes a discipline which can be studied and learned like any other. Sales planning then becomes a matter of putting all the pieces in place so you maximise success for effort & don"t score "own goals"; and sales management gives the individuals support & ensures the organisation is in place so the "team can play". This new 2007 internet edition of Compelling Selling must be required reading for you. You will enjoy it too. You can open it any place and just start reading