Thermoslimmer Phase 2 Dietary Supplement Handy - Pack

Price 19.84 - 29.95 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 358965524100, 5060098850272

New Thermoslimmer Phase Two Slimming Capsules have replaced the Thrmoslimmer Original capsules. They are a combination of natural herbs and plant extracts which, when taken up to two hours after food, helps break down the fat within the food turning it into heat (energy), in exactly the same way that the bodys natural fluids process food. The results are threefold. As your body is producing more heat, more fat is burnt off so less can be stored within your body. Secondly, the super efficient fat disposal caused by the heat means the body thinks food has been eaten more often so you feel less hungry, which stops you snacking and overfilling your plate at mealtimes. Lastly, Thermoslimmer raises your bodys metabolic rate to deal with the food it believes you have eaten. This burns off excess calories and increases your energy levels. Phase 2 automatically reduces the calorie effect of a Typical Fish and Chip Supper by 575 calories, reduces calories from a Pizza Hut meal consisting of four small slices of pizza and a slice of garlic bread by 237 calories, reduces a small KFC meal by 144 calories and even a healthy chicken sandwich by a further 144 calories! Although, Phase 2 zaps on average a third of your daily calories, this neutralizing effect actually works better on foods that are mainly of a carbohydrate type. Phase 2 has the ability to neutralize up to a maximum of 1700 calories per meal. Have a look at some more examples. Taking phase 2 will cut out a whole 450 calories from a French Baguette, 38 calories from just one bread stick, 184 calories from a couple of slices of toast, and 225 calories from a small bowl of Corn Flakes. How would you fancy taking a couple of all natural, bean derived capsules that would reduce by a full 300 calories, the amount your body absorbs from an average serving of rice, 210 calories from a muffin, 183 calories from a crepe with syrup and even 113 calories from a can of Cola. Amount per serving % Daily Value<