Higher Education Interlibrary Loan Management Benchmarks, 2013 Edition

Price 90.25 - 100.10 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781574402162

This report looks closely at how academic libraries manage their interlibrary loan operations. It gives critical data on response and fulfillment times, for borrowing and lending, for books, journal articles, eBooks, videos and other forms of intellectual property. It presents benchmarking data on staffing, management oversite, productivity, technology use and other issues and factors in higher education interlibrary loan management. This 170+ page study also looks closely at shipping costs, staffing levels, response times, workflow studies, end user preferences in ILL delivery, automation, impact of digital repositories, use of student labor, special provisions for distance learning ILL, and other critical issues. The study also looks at which library departments or agencies control the ILL function. Data is broken out by size and type of academic library and also for academic libraries in the United States and elsewhere.