Nutrient Requirements of Animals Set II: (10 Book Set)

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780309105071

"Nutrient Requirements of Animals Set (10 Book Set) 3" includes hardcovers and 7 paperbacks. Each of these popular handbooks provide comprehensive information by using extensive tabular data to illustrate the nutritional needs of animals. Note that where indicated some of these books feature either a diskette or CD-ROM, which allows the user to predict nutrient requirements of specific animals under various conditions and at various life stages. Nutrient requirement standards for economically important domestic animals and laboratory animals have served as the foundation for animal feed formulas in the United States and abroad since the first National Research Council (NRC) report was published in 1921. The requirements set forth in the series of species reports, begun in 1944, are used by producers and manufacturers as the basis for feed formulation; the NRC is the only nongovernmental organization in the United States that provides these kinds of data.NRC reports are also used extensively in teaching and research. Today, the comprehensive data contained in NRC reports form the basis for animal nutrient recommendations throughout the world. Since 1942, the NRC has published and updated nutrient requirement reports in 15 specific animal groups. To keep pace with newer research findings, the NRC periodically revises its reports, focusing on the adequacy of existing requirement levels in light of ongoing research findings, and determining whether revisions of current requirements or establishment of new requirements for a previously unlisted nutrient are warranted.The 10 book set includes "Nutrient Requirements of Horses: Sixth Revised Edition"; "Nutrient Requirements of Small Ruminants: Sheep, Goats, Cervids, and New World Camelids"; "Nutrient Requirements of Dogs and Cats"; "Nutrient Requirements of Nonhuman Primates: Second Revised Edition"; "Nutrient Requirements of Beef Cattle: Seventh Revised Edition"; "Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle: Seventh Revised Edition"; "Nutrient Requirements of Swine: Tenth Revised Edition"; "Nutrient Requirements of Laboratory Animals: Fourth Revised Edition"; "Nutrient Requirements of Poultry: Ninth Revised Edition"; and "Nutrient Requirements of Fish".