The Satanizing of the Jews: Origin and Development of Mystical Anti-Semitism

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780880641326

Brand Fromm Intl

The literature about anti Semitism isvast. However, much of what has beenwritten about it takes the existence ofthis phenomenon for granted, giving usa history of anti-Semitism without explaining what it really is. Carmichael"streatise is different. It is not primarily ahistory of atrocities it goes to the roots,thus clearing the confusion about thedistinction between mystical anti Semitism and other forms of racism.Mystical anti Semitism is a singularidea which culminated in the Holocaustand is still alive today. Carmichaelcontends that it has nothing to do with apersonal hatred of the Jews. He arguesthat the view of anti-Semitism as beingdirected against real life Jews has in facthelped objectify the irrational hatred thatis at its core. Anti Semitism received its mysticalelement when the Church Fathers transformed historical theory into theology.St. Paul believed in the imminence ofthe Kingdom of God which would be theend of history and reverse the injusticedone to the Jews. To him, God"s reentering history was delayed only untilthe God forces in this world had finallydefeated the Devil forces. Yet the worlddid not end, and in the wake of Rome"scrushing victory over Judea in the Roman Jewish War, the idea of the Kingdom of God was postponed indefinitely.Instead, the Universal Church took overGod"s place in the world, and the Devil"s role was assigned to those who rejected Jesus and have since been blamedfor his death: the Jews.The rise of Christianity establishedanti Semitism politically; it finallygained a broad, popular basis during theCrusades, eventually leading to intenational prosecutions. Ghettoes were established as a consequence of the Reformation.