The Healthy Scorecard : Delivering Breakthrough Results that Employees and Investors will Love!
The Healthy Scorecard uncovers a massive untapped frontier, a quantum leap in performance improvement. It is a must-read for any Balanced Scorecard enthusiast, serious about pursuing sustainable high performance. Danielle Pratt shows that for strategic success to endure, we must capture the drivers of human motivation -- as well as the drivers of strategy -- in our corporate scorecards. In other words, we must build Balanced Scorecards and Strategy Maps from the bottom-up, as well as from the top-down. The Healthy Scorecard takes the reader on a riveting journey into what drives human motivation and health. We are then shown proof of how these motivators can be predictively linked with employee capability and health outcomes, customer results, and spectacular financial returns. The Healthy Scorecard shatters misconceptions about what drives enduring value -- and in turn offers an irresistible solution that breaks down silos, and challenges the way we view high performance -- and health: "Good health is good leadership is great business -- and we can prove it!"