God"s Leading Lady (Walker Large Print Books)
T. D. Jakes knows that society demands a great deal from women. They are told that they must do it all, give their all. But the truth is, many women feel that their souls are parched and they have nothing left to give. Many have been abused verbally, physically, and emotionally, leaving them scarred and lacking in self-worth. They are tired, uninspired, and spiritually impoverished, unsure of what they can offer and uncertain if they could ever do enough. But now Bishop Jakes offers the balm to soothe their spirits and restore their souls. Drawing on the stories of the women of the Bible, Bishop Jakes shows all women how they can move beyond their imperfections and lack of self-esteem, and step up to claim the success the Lord has promised them. Bishop Jakes gives contemporary relevance to the ageless truths and principles found in the Scriptures, and empowers every woman to break the bonds of her worldly limitations and stand strong in the light of who she is in God. He teaches that whether a woman is leading a family or a corporation, she has within her the ability to impact the world. By guiding them to look inside themselves and toward the Lord, Bishop Jakes helps women find the power they need to unlock their destiny and excel.