New Car Buying Guide 2005-2006
Consumer Reports is the definitive authority on unbiased automotive ratings. As stated in USA Today, "more than 40% of car shoppers use Consumer Reports for information....That makes Consumer Reports the biggest single source of information car buyers use." This latest edition of the New Car Buying Guide provides information on more than 210 new car models available in the 2005 car year. This essential guide offers all the tools necessary to negotiate the best price for the best car, including: - The most comprehensive reliability ratins avaliable, based on Consumer Reports" Annual Questionnaire - 5 steps to getting the best price - Profiles on more than 220 cars, SUVs, minivans, and recommended vehicles in 15 categories - Crash-test results and key safety features - Guide to auto information on the internet With the largest and most sophisticated auto-test facility in the world, Consumer Reports provides readers with the information they need to make the best car buying decision.