Mirror Murder

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780595122806

“Doctor, there is definitely something strange and macabre about these twin girls....” Life for Siamese-born twins, Deborah and Doreen Price, was anything but easy. With no father, a mentally ill mother, and growing up in foster homes, the twins clung together to survive, but as adults they led two very separate, yet paralleled, lives held together by two strange and gruesome phenomenon; they each shared twin telepathy, and each had a psychosis for murder. MIRROR MURDER is the story of Doreen Price, determined to find and kill the doctor who scarred her at birth, but in her demented search, any surgeon will do; and the story of her sister, Deborah Sterling who kills by twin telepathy, and without her knowledge, anyone who unfortunately crosses her path. MIRROR MURDER is also the story of the two determined and unknowing detectives bent on bringing these mass murderers to justice, but who are the same men who love the twins the most.